- Choose an event and learn more about it.
- Come up with the announcement heading, subheading, body text, etc. Edit the provided footer to fit your needs. Also, create a tag line based on your research to include in the announcement. Think about: what, when, where, and how.
- Come up with several design mock-ups to bring to the class. (Assignment: 8 Pencil and 8 computer sketches.)
- Create mockups in InDesign or Illustrator (Photoshop for image manipulation) and bring them to class for critique.
- Choose a final design and code in HTML. Compress images so email will download fast.
- Write a privacy statement (one paragraph) and an unsubscribe statement make a webpage for it. Link to the privacy statement page from the announcement.
- Create and print display board on 11x17, portrait. (The template will be given by instructor).